

Your Word 

Is a lamp to my feet 

Welcome to Verum Iter


Welcome to this exciting project. One way to explain our motivation is that we want to present the truth in opposition to lies. Because this podcast is aimed at a Christian audience, although not exclusively, I think our target audience will not be surprised at that the lies that are prevalent in our culture.

If there is a preliminary purpose statement for us, it would be,

Verum Iter seeks to shine the light of truth on the topics of today to illumine the path for our life’s journey.

However, since we are jumping into this project somewhat impromptu, we reserve the right to modify that purpose statement at any time.


Jet City Joe
A Passage Through the Trees JCJ & 2CanDan, 4JUL24

Who We Are

Welcome to Verum Iter, or as we brand it, Verumiter. This first blog entry is an explanation as to who we and why we started this project. We hope this proves to be a valuable resource.


Pitons Series

Picture a climber scaling the face of Half Dome in Yosemite. The climber will use of set pitons in the rock face as they climb to give them a secure connection in case of a slip or fall. In the same way, Christians need to set pitons of biblical understanding to keep them from falling into error.

JCJ & 2CanDan, 4JUL24 Pitons of Biblican Thought
Thinking About Knowing JCJ & 2CanDan, 4JUL24

How We Know 

We naturally think we know what we know by axiomatic truths. We are then frustrated or annoyed be others do not hold the same truths we do. What is the nature of knowledge and how do we, as Christians, have faith in our knowledge?



2024 view all